Each part,
implementing its own essence,
contributes to realize the whole.
The unique and innovative feature of STONE HOUSE is to bring together in a single structure all the professionals and the technicians, specialized in the different sectors, necessary for the integrated design and construction “turnkey”, in strict compliance with customer requests, of real estate complexes in the building sector, in the service sector and in the leisure sector, ensuring accurate initial estimates, support for the purchase complete and competent, the maximum respect of the construction costs and delivery times.
In particular, the Architects, the Engineers and Technical of the staff have been selected for having already accrued successful experiences, both in the design that in the technical-organizational and managerial development of the project itself, in the works of restructuring , recovery and restoration of rural and historic properties for the realization of private houses, accommodation facilities, thermal spas and wellness.
The highly specific know-how in this sector, generated by the synergy of the different experiences, combined with the most modern techniques, allows to bring together a range of skills for assessment and management, in an integrated way, of the design and construction process by continuous monitoring and effective typical of the “project management”.
The coordinated and integrated design and the subsequent optimization of the whole implementation process are the secret of success of STONE HOUSE because they give as result:
- the correct logic of the functional distribution,
- the high level of design and finishes,
- the selection and the optimal coordination of the specialized enterprises and of the technological components, chosen from the best manufacturers in the industry,
- the optimization and cost control.

Designing & Consulting
- Architettura
- Design
- Grafica
- Pratiche e Certificazioni
- Consulenza
- Coordinamento professionale
- Gestione appalto e acquisti
- Direzione dei lavori

Engineering & Contract
- Progetto degli impianti
- Progetto delle strutture
- Consulenza strategica
- Opere edili
- Impianti elettrici
- Impianti idraulici e meccanici
- Fornitura di arredi
- Giardini

Pool & Wellness
- Progetto architettonico
- Progetto degli impianti
- Progetto delle strutture
- Piscine
- Vasche idromassaggio
- Saune, Bagno turco
- Doccie emozionali
- Assistenza e Manutenzione